Buck Open 2017


Sunday 15th October 2017

The fee for this competition is now due.

The Fee is £12.

Methods of payment

Bank Transfer

Sort Code: 40-42-17

Account No: 01368516

Treasure Shop

Date :

Sunday 15th October 2017


Kingston Gymnastic Centre,

15 Winchester Circle,


Milton Keynes.

MK10 0BA.

Start Time:

Doors Open TBA (Usually 8:30 am)

Expected Finish Time:

TBA (Either lunch time or around 6:00pm)

Entry Fee:

£12.00 per Gymnast

This is the competition where NDP Tumblers and Acto Pairs and Groups try out their new skills and potential NDP competition sets in a competition environment.

So here the winning of medals isn’t as important as experiencing competition pressure whilst doing new sets and seeing where they are in relationship to the other talent in the region.

For those not heading for NDP Competition 2018 it’s an ideal chance to try out their skills and experiencing the competition environment.

This year gymnasts from TeamGym and the Development squads are joining us to try out their skills under competition conditions

Entry List