Prepare for Competition Day
A contact number or special WhatsApp group will be made available in one of the emails for use through the WhatsApp app. Monitoring messages during a competition is difficult and may lead to delays in answering. Please be patient.
Please ensure that ALL kit has a name on it. There are hundreds of gymnasts at competitions and the clubs intermingle.
Especially (but NOT only!) Water bottles;Tracksuit tops and bottoms; Electronic equipment; Books etc
If a piece of kit isn't obviously a Treasure piece of kit and doesn't have a name in it it will be left at the competition venue.
Make sure long hair is tied up BEFORE arriving - coaches will not ‘do hair’
Buns - unless doing backward rolls - Club 2
French Plaits - with pigtails tied up
Other styles that achieve the same thing are acceptable
Lots of hair spray/gel
The registration times on the website are the absolute latest.
It’s best the gymnasts arrive a early so that they can settle before warming up.
The gymnasts should be met at the gymnasts' entrance by a coach. If a coach from the club is not present please send a amessage via WhatsApp so we can get a coach to the door.
Online ticket available On the door tickets, if and when available, are substantially more expensive.
Details on the Tumble Event's website.
Once the gymnast have been released to the coaches in the competitions area they cannot leave the area except for emergencies. Ensure they have everything they need for their stay until the medal ceremony, including drinks, snacks, competition kit and entertainment.
There can be long periods of having to sit still and behave.
Something to keep them entertained like colouring books, games etc is useful
However, they are responsible for everything they have, not the coaches or organisers.
The gymnasts should not eat sugary snacks before they compete.
The wrappers and crumbs of any snack afterwards must be taken with them.
Please do take videos and photos. They are a great memento and may be useful for any disputed that may arise (very unusual).
If your video or photos show other children you must not use them on any public platform such as social media etc. unless you can blur or edit out those additional children.
“You go to competitions NOT to be in competition with others but to be in competition with yourself! You do the very best you can and IF that precipitates into getting a medal or another accolade then that's a bonus.”
There is no pressure on any of the gymnasts. They should enjoy the experience and have a fun day out.