Fitness and Conditioning
There is nothing natural about tumbling. Muscles used during a run are not normal used.
Extreme forces are applied to the body e.g.
- Coming down off somersault will apply up to three time the pressure of gravity (3Gs) on ankles, legs, knees, hips and the core.
- Performing a hand spring will exert forces on wrists. arms, elbows and shoulders that they are not designed to take.
- Creating power to flick requires leg, arm and shoulder development that is not used in normal day to day activities.
- Creating power to raise the body high enough to somersault requires even more muscle development.
- Forces applied to the body during somersaults and twisting activities would pull an otherwise relaxed body into a star shape.
To keep gymnast safe whilst tumbling it is essential that they have the body development necessary to perform the skills they are attempting
No coach will allow a tumbler to attempt a skill they have not been physically prepared for.
Physical Preparation
It is not possible to provide adequate time to develop the physique necessary for all tumbling in the small amount of time we have each week. It has to be up to the gymnast themselves to allocate enough time and effort so they can develop themselves. Advice and programs are always provided. It is a fact that if conditioning is missed for just one day the body will revert enough for it to take two days of normal conditioning to regain what has been lost.
It is equally important that gymnasts have the right food available to them for such development as well as taking on board an amount of water that is in excess of 'normal' consumption. The exact amounts vary with body types, size and stages of development. If the gymnast is constantly tired or cramps easily then something is not right.
Gymnasts often report a lack of progress or 'getting stuck' at a stage. Without fail this is always due to a lack of physical development. This can be for many reasons including growth spurts, however in most cases it comes down to a lack of willingness to push hard during conditioning sessions and refusal to do conditioning sets on days when not at gym.