Useful Information about Tumbling Competitions

Dress: Squad Leotard and FULL tracksuit. (please place some importance on this. At some recent events we have looked quite scruffy as a club). Boys can wear shorts on the track, girls cannot.

Hair: If hair touches the track during a run the run is considered terminated and will lead to a very low score possibly '0' and a deduction of 0.3 if anything drops from the tumbler onto the track during the run.. Please ensure hair is suitably tied up and secure.

Jewellery: In competitions this is a zero option, not even covered jewellery is allowed.

Food & Drink: The only drink allowed in the gym will be a closed sports bottle, preferably containing only water. The gymnast should NOT have sugary foods until after they have finished their competition. It is highly recommended that on the night before the competition the gymnast consume plenty slow release carbohydrates such as pasta. A cereal and fruit breakfast is much preferred to a fry-up. Bananas and any other non-citrus fruit/vegetables are fine before they actually do their runs whereas sandwiches and citrus fruits are not a good idea.