Southern Region Tumbling Handbook
Awaiting 2022/3 update
Each year the Southern Region Tumbling Technical Committee get together and produce a hand book with all the rules and regulations that will govern our sport in the region over the coming year. This year there have been some substantial changes that mainly effect the organisation of competitions.
Here is a link to the full handbook, below are some highlights and how they may effect Treasure Tumblers and parents.
The times when tumblers need to be at competitions
On arrival at the competition you must register the gymnasts who are competing, as well as notifying the registration desk of any gymnasts who are to be withdrawn. You should note the following:-
Ensure your gymnasts are ready 30 minutes before the published times in case timings are altered.
Ensure your gymnasts are ready to tumble immediately the previous competitor has completed their run.
Ensure your gymnasts wait until the chair of judging panel signals them to begin their run.
Ensure your gymnasts who are medallists are available for presentations.
Entry fees for competition entries should be sent at the same time as the entry form and should therefore be received by the closing date for entries to the competition. In order to encourage payment at the correct time the following penalties are in force.
For entries paid for by closing date – no penalty
If entry fee received by competition organiser within one week of closing date – no penalty as this allows a period for clubs that send electronic entries a period to allow for posting.
If the entry fees are received later than one week after the closing date, but before the day of competition, the required entry fee will be increased by 50%.
If the entry fees are paid on the day of the competition, the required entry fee will be doubled.
Please note this is to encourage prompt payment of fees for gymnasts entered – it does not mean that late entries are allowed