Competition Days

A. Squad members can be asked to attend up to 6 competitions a year in different disciplines.

Tumbling competitions follow a day that looks like this:

  • The day is usually split in 2 - a morning session and and afternoon session.

    • The morning session starts at 8:30am - this can require a very early start as the competitions can be some distance away.

      • The morning session finishes with Medal Presentations at around 12:30pm

      • After the Medal Presentations the morning gymnast are free to go home so the the afternoon spectators can come in.

    • The afternoon session starts at 1:00pm finishing around 5:30pm

    • It is often the case that the morning overruns and the gym is slow in clearing the spectators before the afternoon spectators can get in.

Getting in can mean waiting in a queue - which frequently extends to the outside of the gym! Be prepared.

We don't run transport to and from the competitions so parents are expected to get their tumblers to the competition. The competitions are held in 2 locations, currently, Milton Keynes Gymnastic Centre and Southampton Gymnastic Centre.

  • When the competition is at Milton Keynes families often decide to go up the night before and stay at a hotel - it's worth booking early as hotels fill up quickly at these events.

At competitions there is a lot of 'waiting for your turn'. We strongly recommend that tumblers take something to entertain themselves whilst waiting, however, it is stressed that each tumbler is responsible for their own belongings.

PLEASE make sure all clothing is named! The nerves reduce the likelihood of putting clothing away properly before leaving it to compete.