Regional Cup 1-4

Failure to complete a prescribed exercise as published above will result in an interruption to the exercise (e.g. for performing an incorrect element). The maximum mark will be determined according to the number of correct, complete elements performed (ten (10) less any elements not correctly/completely performed).

Landing on one foot at the end of an exercise will be deemed as an interruption, therefore that move will not be counted and the gymnasts will lose 1 mark from execution and the difficulty of the element.

Please note there are some changes to levels (e.g. regional 3, exercise 3, the gymnast may perform a double Twisting Back s/s or 1 ½ Twisting Back s/s as long as the element is completed both will be marked from 10 and they will receive the difficulty for the one they have done).

Regions may run out of age events, but gymnasts are not eligible to qualify to the Inter-Regional Challenge Cup Final. However, the TC would strongly recommend gymnasts competing in ‘out of age’ groups (e.g. 18+yrs level 1) consider entering the Adult British Championships.