December Team Competition

December 11th, 2022

Kingston Gymnastics Centre
15 Winchester Circle
Milton Keynes
MK10 0BA


    • Minis , Junior, Senior

    • Teams are age banded, all members must be competing in the same band i.e. not a mixture of Minis & Juniors. The competition organisers may decide to combine bands if numbers competing are low for a particular grade.

    • Mixed gender and single gender teams will compete against each other.

    • Max 4 per team - top 3 scores count from each run.

    • Teams must have a minimum of nine scoring runs.

    • All team members must compete at the same grade.

    • A Team trophy & medals will be awarded to the gold winners.

    • Medals will also be presented at individual age group level

    • Age is in year of competition, tumblers can only compete in their own age groups as stated in the Club Cup & Regional Challenge Cup BG Handbooks.

    • Names of all team members must be declared on the official entry form.

*Awards for best decorated number (No glitter please)

*Award for most Christmas attired coach (Please keep safety in mind!)

*Award for most Christmas attired judge